The paintings were created in different periods of time. The paintings have been sold and are in private collections.
"Lady in red"oil,canvas/120X90/2008
"Games with the wind"145X115 cm, , 2011 g
"Shh!" 150Х150/oil.canvas/2007
" Lady of rain"/ oil/canvas/90Х80/2009
"Passing by" 120Х80/oil on canvas.2011
"Space of serene harmony"/ oil on canvas./150Х150/2011/
"Quiet presence" canvas/oil/acrylic/140Х115/2013/
"Will you come in?" 150Х150/canvas, oil.
"The result of ill-conceived geometry" oil,canvas/100X100/ 2009
Hi-Tech Girl /100X100X100X100/Canvas, oil, acryle. 2012
"In the arms of a red sofa" 150Х150/canvas/oil/2011
"A face from the crowd" canvas/oil.canvas/200Х100/2010/
" Phenomenon " 200Х120/oil,canvas/2018
"Sorcerer" canvas, acrylic, oil./200Х100/2010